Profile banner for maniabucket



Welcome, if You like buckets then you've come to the right place. because my head is literally a bucket. least I think it is, who knows? now watch my stuff because we both know you're bored.

Da Rulez

Panel Content
1: NO POLITICS! seriously, they're boring and nobody likes them and then people will start punching others because of it. (also no racisim or skipper will devour your soul 2: try not to be a douchebag in general in chat, doesn't matter if it's at me or chat, it just ain't on, save it for any boss fight i'm gonna punch. 3: try not to abuse the sound alerts, c'mon. rule 4: remember to listen to the mods [insert discord mod meme here] 5: no random links around these parts, pardner. and that's it, have a blast.

About Me

Panel Content
Ello there, I am the great and awesome VariantBucket: traveller of the omniverse and beyond, annoyance to eldtrich gods and the greatest jokester the world has ever known. i've come to twitch to show off radical gameplay and show some lads a good time.