Profile banner for marduckyvt



Henlo! I'm Marukamo Tenji 丸鴨・天じ But some people call me Duck! I am a Oshidori Yōkai and I found out how to play video games. I definitely do not steal faces or spirit people away . . . Please don't tell my mom. - Quack. 💦🦆

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>Henlo and こんがーがー、Ducklings! >My name is 丸鴨天じ (Marukamo Tenji) >I'm a Japanese/Hispanic Oshidori「鴛鴦」Yōkai Vtuber and Voice Actor! >Most people call me Tenji or Ducky! When I feel threatened, I steal faces, and like most Wild Ducks I'm very violent! >I normally play a lot of Story games revolving around Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Horror. >My mama is a Oshidori and my Papa is a Wood Duck!
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> > - Be kind to each other! > - Don't be afraid to talk to me either! > - Keep chat on-topic > - Backseat gaming to a minimum c: > - Be okay with who you are! > - I am best duck! >Please keep personal/religion/politics/world affairs OUT of stream. We're here to vibe and have fun!
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> If you're even CONSIDERING supporting me besides just being here, THANK YOU SO MUCH. > You can donate directly by clicking [here.]( > If you'd like to instead send gift anonymously or even suggest gifts, you can go to my [Throne!]( >Or if you'd like to support my voice acting work, you can become a paid member over on my [Patreon!]( >I love doing this kind of work, it would mean so much if you can help support me!
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[The Sacred Pond]( welcomes all future c̶u̶l̶t̶ m̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶s̶ Kamodachis~! >Join our community! We're always growing and holding events! > - Movie Nights > - Gaming Hangouts > - Follow to join our Minecraft Server too! >Won't you join us, hun~?
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> All my socials can be found [here!]( >But I can tell you what I'm all about right now~ >I'm a Voice Actor! If you enjoy Tomboys, Goblins, Gyaru, or just Wholesome role-play audio. The consider subscribing to my [YouTube.]( > Consider following my [Twitter]( to be kept up to date with everything I'm doing! > And finally my [TikTok!]( Here I try to post any funny/cute clips - If you see a moment, capture it and let me see~!
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>And let's not forgot to give thanks to all these lovely people ♥️ >Concept Art:[🩸KUZERI🩸]( >3D Model: [⛩️ 10zou ⛩️]( > ARKit Expressions and Shinobi Outfit: [Arhi 🔪]( > Stream Graphics and Panels: Kan and Mier from [Patella VTuber Services 🎟️]( >All pixel animations: [🌿 Terracota Scarves 🌿]( >Emote Art: [Kaeril ✨](


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>Oshidori, or Mandarin Ducks, are a species of perching duck native to the East Paleartic. >The males are much more colorful while the females have lovely plume and definitive white eye streak! >Both in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese cultures see these winter fowls as symbols of wedding bliss, fidelity, and conjugal affection; As these ducks are one of the few who make life long couples!