Banner de perfil para mariustbwatihs

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The name Marius. I like to sing and game, I’m decent at one of them. Sometimes neither.

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My biggest goal is to help someone. When I was younger I struggled with depression and anxiety, I still do. I remember having days where I was feeling down and I'd watch a YouTube video and it'd make me laugh and I would feel better, YouTube later turned into Twitch. There's a Quote that goes,"Making a person smile can change the world, maybe not the whole world, but their world", making one person feel better can go a long way. "Remember to be the sunflower in someone's day, you never know who might need it" - Mama Ti.
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Hi, my name is Mario. You can call me Mario or Marius, whatever floats your boat 24 years old Live in SoCal Working full time through this bullsh*t
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I started gaming at a young age with the NES, as I got older I upgraded to the Super Nintendo, the N64, GameGube, and eventually I started playing on the first PlayStation. I eventually got a PS2, later upgraded to a Xbox 360, then a PS3, and now while I have a PS4, Xbox One, and PC, I will be mainly streaming console. Main game I'll probably be playing will be whatever COD is out, and when I'm bored of that Fortnite. When big story based games I'm interested come out such as The Last of Us Part II, I will hopefully do a playthrough stream.
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My cousin and I have recently started a YouTube channel. We will be doing many different videos from COD cut coms, montages. walkthroughs, to funny moments and etc. so it would be much appreciated if you checked it out. We hope to bring at least one video a week and at most 3.
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Check out my IG to see a bit of what my life is outside of Twitch.
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Follow me on Twitter to keep up to date with what I'm doing. Once I start streaming I will definitely be tweeting about it.
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Donations will NEVER be expected or asked for, but if you're feeling generous, I truly appreciate you even considering donating. You being in stream is already amazing enough.