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1.628 Follower


Welcome to MashMussh, where the gaming magic happens! 🎮✨ It's like a quirky blend of mashed potatoes and mushy goodness, except he's serving up top-tier (ish) entertainment instead. Join for some "epic" gameplay and hilarious moments! 🎉

👋 Hey there! I'm Martin, better known in the Twitch-verse as MashMussh, your 27-year-old Nordic gaming comrade with a side gig in guiding tomorrow's geniuses (or just keeping them from eating glue). 🎮 Between spontaneous adventures in the pixelated wilds and my half-and-half Viking heritage, (Sweden/Norway) I'm all about sharing those good-time vibes and casual gameplay that'll make you feel right at home. So, if you're up for a little Nordic charm and a lot of laughs, hit that follow and dive into the Mashpit. Let's game, let's giggle, and let's make every stream a smörgåsbord of fun!
Why jump into the MashPit? Just because you can! That's why.
Your generosity rocks! Thanks for fueling the fun and keeping the stream dream alive! 🌟💜 #MusshLove (Note: No refunds)
1. 🗣️ *No Spoiler Sprinkles* Keep plot twists to yourself—unless it's the "I'm your father" kind; that ship's sailed. 🚢 2. 🤬 **Swear Jar Shenanigans**: it's okeeeeey with some in chat, but overdoing it. naaah. Excessive potty-mouth donations go to the "MashMussh Swear Jar Charity for Starving Robots." 🤖 3. 🌈 **Be a Rainbow, Not a Raincloud**: Spread good vibes, not trash talk. Trolls will be escorted out by our virtual bouncers. 🌟 4. 🙅‍♂️ *No Keyboard Warriors* Caps are for caps, not for chat. Yelling doesn't make you cooler, just capsier, again, overdoing it, is noooot coool. 🧢 5. 🚫 **Keep Your Links in the Stable*: Unleashing wild links leads to the digital dungeon. Keep your horses and URLs at home. 🐴 6. 💌 *Respect the Mashmob* We're all friends here. Treat chat like a group hug—inviting, warm, and slightly awkward. 🤗 7. 🎭 **No Impersonation Charades**: Be yourself; everyone else is taken. Plus, our celeb detector is wonky. 🕶️ Remember, the 'Banhammer' is mightier than THORS HAMMER. Let's keep the chat cleaner than a soap opera star! 🛁 --- Keep it light, keep it right, and let the good times roll! 🎉👾