Profile banner for matt2thefuture



Rewriting my gaming history one stop at a time.

Master Game List and Ratings

Here is a list of all the games we've streamed on the channel (**over 450 and counting**) and what I rated them. [Master Game List]( I'm using a system I've used to rate movies for 20 years, a 0-4 scale with half points allowed. I'm using full 🌕 and half 🌗 moon emojis for visual clarity. Any game with 4 moons can be revisited later and eligible to receive a 5th moon and a place in the Matt2theFuture Hill Valley Hall of Games. Feel free to discuss your ratings versus mine. No matter what you prefer, play what you love.

Board Games

We play board games on the stream, and I'd love it if you played too. All you need is a free [Board Game Arena]( account and I'll do the rest. Be sure to let me know in chat you'd like to play. I've played over one thousand board games and I'd love to show you some. [Here is a list]( of the games we've played so far. Also, I ranked my [Top 100 Board Games of All-Time]( The videos where I discuss each in detail are available under the Videos tab.

Bit Alerts

88: MPH 99: If I Don't Have to Talk 100: Mighty Fine 121: Gigawatts 125: Who Did Dis 150: Look at Us 175: Chickens 200: The Old Man is Wrong
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