Profile banner for maysakura_



Streaming VALORANT with 12 viewers

may sakura (she/her) live laugh love | pfp @NXCTES | banner @R1N54234459|

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# ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ ) Consider joining the Saku Bros Hide Out by clicking on the panel~ >## Perk on joining the server... >>-Get more for your sub and use those emotes once you join! -Get alerts when I am live / announcements for schedules or streams! -Get closer with the mayfia community! Gonna try to do more community nights so please join us ( • ө • )♡ >## Before joining!! >>Please do not join if you are younger than 18, for this is an 18+ server!
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# ( * ́꒳`*)੭ Keep up with my other socials! >## [Twitter]( >>Posting schedules / live alerts / special projects / art / random posts! >## [Tiktok]( >>Some clips and highlights edited by [Kouki]( and [Kuro]( >## [Youtube]( >> Streaming here once or twice a week! Plus highlights, clips, and covers get posted here! >## [Instagram]( >>Some IRL posts plus clips and art (not as active (˵•ヘ•˵)) >## [Information Center]( >>Here includes resources to learn /ways to help/ get help
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# (งᓀ‸ᓂ)ง lets get some rules straight. > ## WHAT MODS SAY IS LAW >> I put in my complete trust in my mods. If they delete, timeout, or ban anyone they have my full permission. RESPECT THEM!!! > ## ‼️ ZERO TOLERANCE ‼️ >> I have zero tolerance towards racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or any hateful speech comments. This **will** lead to a instant ban FOREVER. >## DO NOT mention me in other people's chat. >>It is immensely disrespectful to do that. Please keep our conversations within in our chat. Vice versa please don't mention other streamers unless I mention / it is on topic. > **I AM NOT LEWD‼️‼️** >> Yes I may make comments here and there but this is a 16+ stream. Please avoid making heavy sexualizing comments towards me, any guest, or the mayfia. > **Do not back seat me unless permitted.** >>I know I can be slow sometimes but please unless I ask do not tell me! >**LASTLY please remember that this is the internet!!** >>Avoid sharing any personal information. **Any** minors that mention their age will be timed out. ## (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ Lets enjoy our time together and make memories
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# ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) How to support me? >## Truthfully (*´▽`*) >>### Just watching my stream is support enough! Watching, chatting, lurking already means a lot so thank you for taking the time~ >## (งᓀ‸ᓂ)งJoin the BIG PP CLUB >>**AKA** The Big Petal Power Club ^^ what were you thinking... >> ### **By subscribing you can get...** >>-Amazing Emotes >>-No ADs >>-Sub Only Access Channels in the Server! >## (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ sending bits! >>100 bits = TTS >## [Wishlist]( >>Check out my throne! Please be aware that everything is non-refundable!! >## [Donate]( >>Although not necessary it is very much appreciated! **Please be aware that all donos are non-refundable!!**
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