194 obserwujących


What it do brudders. I play mostly shooters and try to smack some fools. Greatly appreciated for you guys taking a look at my channel! See y'all in the chat

Zawartość panelu
My name is Mitchell and I am from Canada! I like to play shooters like Call of Duty, but also like to play survival games. I started playing video games when I was about 5 years old and my first game was Halo 1 on the xbox original. I've always wanted to stream, but since covid happened it kind of gave me more incentive to start.
Zawartość panelu
EVGA XC3 BLACK 3070 Ryzen 5 5600x 32 GB Corsair Vengeance Ram H100i AiO Cooler B450 Tomahawk Max Motherboard RM850 Watt Corsair PSU
Zawartość panelu
I play COD so I get it about trash talking, but in chat, don't be toxic unless its all in good fun! Just don't be a goof or the ban hammer is coming LOL
Zawartość panelu
Subs and Donations are greatly appreciated, but don't feel obligated to do so. I stream for fun so just pop into chat and let me get to know y'all!