Profile banner for mctavish11t7



Don't play to win (not all the time anyway), play to have fun. Been a gamer since the old C64 days and still going strong.

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I'm a big kid, been gaming since the C64 days and progressed from there to an Amiga500, then 1200 (I think it was called that). Owned various consoles, including all the PlayStations. Thought it would be nice to own a PC too. I like a variety of games, mainly co-op, or survival, or even co-op survival. Currently into No Man's Sky, Minecraft and on the PS4, Ghost of Tsushima. I play for fun, looking for people who just want to chill in stream and chat about life, the universe, and everything (apart from politics and religion, lol).
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I'll likely never get a donation, but if I do, they will be used to upgrade my PC or buy new games to stream. I can dream can't I?? Clickity the label above if you feel the need. Cheers, McTavish
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Green screen stuff

Thanks to GreenScreen Nation. Check them out [Here](