Profile banner for megamylo



MegaMylo streams Wartales.

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># Who is this handsome man? >Hi, I'm Myles or Mylo, 33 year old Welshman. My main hobby has always been gaming in one form or another, Video games, Board games, Tabletop Roleplay games etc - Love them all. >Other loves include: Comedy - Shows, Stand-ups, Films, Anything that makes me laugh. Music - Metal/Rock is my favourite but I do enjoy quite a variety. Chatting and having fun - I tend to waffle on a bit but I love meeting new people, sharing jokes and having fun. I don't take much seriously so feel free to drop in and poke fun, I love a giggle. ># Chat fun > >I have a chat currency set up called 'MegaMonies' you can earn them just by watching, then use them in one of the several chat games to win more! Can you make it to number 1? Use !mminfo to find out more!
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># Be cool, Have fun! >I want this to be a fun, enjoyable time for anyone and everyone, don't ruin it for yourself or others. ># None of this >- Racism >- Sexism >- Hate Speeches >- Bullying etc > ># Don't be a dick >I'm happy to have serious and in-depth conversations but let's try and keep it cool and not start a war in chat over a difference in views. Again, don't be a dick.
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Donations are appreciated but please do not feel obligated!
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>Unfortunately due to some unforeseen issues (illnesses and mental health stuff) and a busy Christmas I can only currently stream as and when I am able. I'm hoping to get a new schedule up ASAP.
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># Desktop >- AMD Ryzen 7 3700X >- Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 >- 16GB DDR4 @ 3200 MHz >- 512 M.2 SSD >- 2 TB WD Blue > ># Monitors >- 2560x1440 @ 144Hz >- 1920x1080 @ 60Hz