Profile banner for meganistan



I'm Megan, I'm Irish and I'm relatively new to gaming so I absolutely suck at it. People come into my stream to laugh at how bad I am at games which is totally fine by me🤣 That being said, we actually have a great community of very kind and decent people. Hopefully you feel like sticking around!

About me

I'm an extroverted introvert. I can be a bit awkward in social situations and talking to myself comes very well for streaming! I wanted to find a hobby I actually enjoy and maybe meet some cool people along the way! If you like this listening to a random Irish girl talking shite then give a listen to a podcast where I also talk shite with my two friends that I met through twitch! Link above


Baldur's Gate 3 (Currently playing) Dark Souls 1 (Currently playing) Sekiro (July 2022) Elden Ring (April 2022) DS3 (Jan 2022) BOTW (Jan 2021) Mario odyssey (Dec 2021) Squad (July 2021)


How many discords are you a member of? How many of them do you have muted?...I know how annoying they are. I am a nerd...nerds tend to feel right at home in our discord and you can customize what you are notified for so you don't get those annoying @everyone spams! Get notified about the important nights...quiz nights and chillin'... *Insert cheesy line about building an awesome community here*