Profile banner for mesho96



Hello Bats and Ghouls! 'Tis I, Mesho! I play mainly DBD but branch out into all sorts of games if I do feel so inclined. I am also an artist and a singer/guitar player (and I take requests!). Here to have a good time and laugh and make some good friends along the way, so why don't you join the ride!

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If you would like to see more of my face and have up-to-date news on streams, hiatuses, and if I decide to drop off the face of the earth for a bit..... Follow me on instagram!

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Join the Bat Cave and become ONE OF US!.... ahem.... we have cookies!

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I have merch! all proceeds will go towards the channel and bringing better quality content! And you will be able to look fab in merch designs by yours truly <3

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If you would like to support this stream and help me provide you with the best possible content, feel free to donate! every donation will go directly towards this channel!