Profile banner for metal64gear



HeY guys Metal64gear here to welcome you to my channel ! a lot of things may happen, like some idiot stuff while streaming but hey! its good for humor !! I do like playing with other people if they are wanting to join. depending on the console/pc, Nice meeting you all !!!

About Me

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Hello guys Name's Metalgear, some people knows me and some people just wants to know, and also a gamer. I mostly play Diablo III, TF2, Left 4 Dead, Warframe, Smite, monster hunter world, And Ark Survival Evolved. But if you have any ideas of what game I should play, ill try the best to play if my computer can handle it.


Panel Content
I don't mind about Donations, but i know that it will be put to good use to make the stream better, and improve the computer specs, so I'm not really asking. if you want to help me get better, Click above!


1. No talking about drug things in the channel. Keep it to yourself... seriously... 2. Be polite. People are trying to enjoy the stream or playing with me. 3. No advertisements of other streamers. its not nice when people are streaming and you make a shoutout to someone's stream.