Profile banner for mg4r



Hi I'm Greg, a variety of video games happen here from Monday to Saturday. You should totally watch them!

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****** Hey, I'm Greg/MG4R. Welcome to my Twitch channel! My channel is built upon interacting with you the viewer, and providing entertainment. If you're new here, say "Hey" (unless you feel like lurking in which case lurk away!) because I am always happy to meet/talk to viewers! All graphics you see on stream were made my yours truly if you are looking for graphics feel free to ask!
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****** - Sunday - Friday starting between 4 pm EST, the streams usually last a minimum of 6-8+ hours. - Saturday is usually my chill day/ day off but that does not exempt it from streams. These streams could be random and at anytime of the day so keep an eye out! ******
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****** + Respect me and my mods at all times. Do not ask for mod. Mods are strictly my friends and - people I trust. + Do not suggest games unless asked for suggestions. + No spamming, nor general stupidity. + Don't act out and just have a fun time! + Other then those rules enjoy the stream!
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******* Q: How often do you stream? How long do you tend to stream for? A: I stream Sunday - Friday, though it really depends on how I feel. I stream for as long as I feel that I can still be entertaining, but some streams can go up to 6+ hours. ****** Q: What games have you beaten on stream? A: Good question here is a list that will be updated every time I beat a game! [**Game List**]( ****** Q: What games are you going to play? A: Depends on my mood and what you guys want to see. I often play what ever I can get my hands on and my that the good old cardboard box can run, so basically I can play whatever it is you guys want! ****** Q: Who are you? What are your ambitions? Tell me a bit about yourself :D A: Hi I'm Greg but you already knew that :P. I'm Canadian, I play video games a lot... it's been my dream to entertain and my goal is getting closer just being able to play video games and entertain people with my nonsense! My favorite game series are Metal Gear Solid, and Persona. I listen to almost ever type of music.. except for hardcore death metal and country, although there are a few songs from those genres that I enjoy :P. My favorite colors are Blue, Green, and Purple. Last but not least I love too entertain!
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******** + [Youtube]( + [Twitter]( + [Steam]( + [Steam Group]( + [Discord Server](
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***** Since I am not getting any money from this and technology keeps upgrading my toaster keeps getting worse and worse, donations are always appreciated, and you will NOT go unnoticed (I will make sure that you will get some sort of thanks for it). When people constantly ask or beg for donations it bothers me, so I won't ask. All donations go to the Toaster 2.0, and all extra money will go to getting games to give away or to play for your entertainment! :) (To Donate Without a Portion Being Taken by A Site Use This [Link]( ****** If you feel that you would like to constantly support me and not have to constantly donate you can become a [**Patron**]( [**here**]( [**.**](
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