Profile banner for michaelmcchill



My name is Michaelmcchill. I'm a creator, a musician, and I do an awesome charity event called "Raising The Bar" every six months! Feel free to Subscribe for free with Twitch Prime, or for $4.99 for 28 awesome emotes! Merch coming soon 🔥

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##• Use common sense! >Be smart. Think before you say something. Have fun, but don't be stupid. ##• Don't be rude! >We like to keep a peaceful atmosphere when we're streaming. Don't taint the chat with negativity! ##• Please don't spam. >Generate as much hype as you want to when the time is right, but let's keep the spamming to a minimum. ##• Don't send links in the chat! >If you and another person are talking about something in chat and want to send them a link to it, do it privately. If you're wanting me to see something, ask before sending the link. I'd like to keep everybody safe!
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##• Want to donate? >Don't feel obligated to donate by any means necessary. However, if you feel like you'd want to, it's a wonderful way to support me as a creator! ##• DONATIONS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE! >It should be noted that donations are non-refundable. Please think before you tip. ##• Bits Are Cool, Too! >Also, consider using bits! I appreciate those just as much! :)
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##• [Twitter]( ##• [Facebook]( ##• [Instagram]( ##• Got business? > Message me at my business email:
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##• [I make videos!]( >Very soon I'm going to be relaunching my YouTube channel making and creating content I heavily enjoy. Consider subscribing. ##• [Like me on stream?]( >You're bound to like me on YouTube then! My highlights channel is loaded to the brim with gaming content and other things of that nature! Subscribe today!
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##• [Use CODE: "Michaelmcchill" for 25% OFF!]( >McProHosting has a wide range of server options with everything from "Minecraft", "ARK", "Factorio", "Rust", "CS:GO", "Garry's Mod", "Starbound", "Conan Exiles", "Dedicated", and soon "Hytale"! ##• Michaelmcchill Sub Server >Server Hosting for the Michaelmcchill Subscriber Server provided by McProHosting!
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##• [I have a website!]( >Check out my website! It links to all of my social important social media. Also, if anything important happens, I'll be sure to update it to keep everybody informed!
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>Alesa Model/Starting Soon/Ending Screen/Emotes by [Avizenith]( >Emotes and BRB screen by [Osidinum]( >Alesa voice work by [AllanahTheVA]( >Subscribe art by [LylaDraws](
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