Profilbanner til mickerayla

448 følgere


Just a brain dead female

Note for Musicians: I try to play royalty free stuff, but if you hear your music, and you want me to stop, tell me! No hard feelings on my side. Hello, come in! Sit down, get comfortable. Snacks are in the fridge, we have cheese sticks and water. Make sure you stay hydrated! Official Ratings: .01/5 *"Smelly, can smell her 1000 miles away." -xoshelly* 0/5 *"You can buy 1 star from me per use of the anime voice.' -Crash602* 5/5. *"Because of Mickerayla I am no longer an alcoholic. She helped me rekindle my relationship with my father, and taught me how to be a good man. She also took on multiple jobs to put me through clown college. I wouldn’t be the sober, well-adjusted clown-man I am today without her. Also, she totally has a 6pack and can beat you up." -@daniecae* 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679/5 *"Cause this twitch streamer doesn't like yummy delicious desserts I guess. Also ETHAN is her introductory wrestler theme. I r8 8/8 m8." -Syncity*
I try to stream 8:30pm-12:30pm Sunday - Tuesday, but my job is extremely demanding and there might be days that I just don't have the energy or mental capacity to stream.
1. Be nice to each other. You can insult me all you want, I don't really care. But please be kind to your fellow viewers. 3. Racism/Sexism/Homophobia will not be tolerated at all. 3. Please don't backseat game. If I want help, I will ask. Any attempt will be ignored. 4. In this house, we hate Mineta.
Twitter: TikTok: Youtube (Stream Archive): For business inquiries, email
**You're not funny.** I know.