Profile banner for micromulisha



27 anos // PORTUGAL // Variety Streamer

Panel Content
****** **Olá, sou o Rui. Tenho 27 anos e sou de Torres Vedras.** **Canal maioritariamente de jogos recentes, não me foco num jogo!** **Espero que gostes, bem-vindo/a!!** ****** ******** Hi, my name is Rui. I´m 27 years old and i´m from Portugal. Stream based mostly of recent games, I do not focus in just one game! Hope you like it! Welcome aboard!! *******
Panel Content
********* + **Intel Core I7 4790 @ 3.60GHZ** + **16GB DDR3 1600MHZ GSKILL** + **SSD SanDisk 500GB Games** + **SSD Samsung 120GB OS** + **NVIDIA GTX1070 Founders Edition 8GB DDR5** + **Asus Gladius Mouse** + **CoolerMaster L Keyboard** + **HyperX Cloud** + **LG 29'' 21:9 (Gameplay)** + **Acer 24'' (Stream)** *********************
Panel Content
****** **Se quiseres ajudar na evolução do canal, carrega na imagem.** **Muito obrigado** ****** ******** Feel free to help the channel, click in the panel title. Thanks a lot *******