Profiilibanneri – mikayuv

178 seuraajaa


Waiting for something to happen?

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My real name is Elijah. I was born on March 12th. I speak Russian and English with a little bit of French I go by Mika/Mikayuv online, pronounced (Me-kaw-yuh-vvv). While most of my days I spend in front of the computer, I also do other things. I am an avid collector of kpop albums, and I play the violin. I am also a great chef if I do say so myself. Feel free to join my stream and ask me any questions. This is a safe space for all identities <3 P.S I have a bit of a lisp so apologies if it sounds weird. (I will add more overtime)
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I am saving up to buy a proper PC but with the rising inflation in Canada and also having family in Ukraine where the war is still going on is making it quite the difficult task anything helps and works even just a cent. Though do not feel pressured to donate I don't need it and will find my own ways to carry on like I always do love yall <3
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Basic Human Respect -------------------------------------- It's basic respect just c'mon don't be offensive or annoying just respect people it's really not hard. Don't Be Stupid ----------------------------------- One of my biggest pet peeves, people who lack common sense. Just follow all rules and don't be annoying. Do not spam -------------------------- Going to rule 1 & 2 don't be annoying, no one likes it. No Advertisements ----------------------------- This isn't no New York Times Square billboard and most likely if you do advertise probably no one is joining so ha. No Politics --------------- Again this is no White House or family dinner keep the politics outside the stream or just keep it to a min.
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When streaming I play a variety of games including Valorant, Roblox, Minecraft etc. I mainly play Valorant. Joe -The loud one. Actually has one of the best personalities I have had the pleasure to be with. Incredibly kind and smart, never a dull moment with her whether we are playing games or doing homework. It never gets boring with them Tristen -The funny one. Literally the funniest person I have ever met, alongside her incredible soccer and Valorant skills she can make anything funny without a doubt and is incredible to be around Jihyun -The multi-talent. Cracked at everything, whatever she puts her mind to she can excel at, whether it be her amazing piano skills or her educational learning skills or even her Valorant skills #MyValTutor, that is also not to ignore her amazing personality Mariane -The Kpop stan. Her name is Mariane but we call her Mae, the oldest in the group and the only one with good music taste. She is also one of the kindest yet funniest people I have been with, it's hard to balance kind and funny but Mae does it perfectly, without a flaw everyone is incredibly good at Valorant and INCREDIBLY nice, together creates an amazing friend group with everything you need and each having their own specialties love yall <3
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