Záhlaví kanálu mikegamepro

1,1 tis. sledujících


Vysílání Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy pro 7 diváků

I'm Mike. You'll usually see me doing Jak and Daxter speedruns.

Obsah panelu
Just a Jak and Daxter speedrunner.
Obsah panelu
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Obsah panelu
Only if you're feeling generous :)
Obsah panelu
!hammer - Take a chance with the mighty banhammer. Will you win 50 HP, or feel the wrath? (30s timeout, 25m cooldown, 1m cooldown across users) !gamble {amount} - Gamble your HP. 1-50 loses. 51-100 wins. 99-100 triples. 69 wins the Jakpot. (1m cooldown) !top5 - See the top 5 viewers based on HP. !8ball {question} - Ask the 8-Ball a question. (1m cooldown) !lucky - Have a chance to have your name on the stream as the MVP. 1/200 chance to win. Kappa is a loss, Kreygasm is a win. (5m cooldown) !duel {user} - Pay 50 HP to challenge another viewer to a duel. Winner takes the pot. (10m cooldown) !dadjoke - Self-explanatory. !hp - View your HP. You earn 5 HP every 5 minutes (+1 for being active, +5 for being a subscriber). Following will give you 500 HP, and subscribing will give you 1,000 HP. For donations, each dollar is 200 HP (Make sure to put your full Twitch username if you care about the payout).
Obsah panelu
My Jak-themed text emotes were made with Ottselesque!