Profile banner for mikeyfreakingv



Australian Streamer, occasional YouTuber, Poptart loving, nugget eating, caffeine addict... Welcome to this mess that is my stream!

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G'day, Mikey here! I'm really good at video games and totally never die! I live in Australia, I make really dumb jokes, and I get really happy when you follow me and talk in my chat *wink wink nudge nudge*
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I use the same username on all social media! Follow me elsewhere so you don't miss out on any news or fails that I might be committing off-stream! Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:
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These are the rules... Please follow them... This isn't Zelda. No Links Allowed!! Have fun Be positive NO HATE, BULLYING, RACIST/SEXIST JOKES, ETC. Don't call me Miley If something funny/interesting happens... CLIP IT!
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Wanna know something cool? If you click that above image you can get some Juicd Energy, that cool tasty energy drink that I'm drinking every stream! It comes in super fun flavours and if you enter the code 'MIKEYFREAKINGV' at checkout, you can get 10% off your order!
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Press this button to put my imaginary kids through college! Okay, it's all for me, give me money! (jk, I'm not your mum, you don't have to pay me for entertai... >.> ) But seriously, you never have to donate, just turning up to stream and chatting means the world to me! Every donation is appreciated though and I will love you forever if you do... or don't
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HAHAHAHAHAHA what? I try to stream most Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays.. but there's no guarantee because work is a butt. Also don't ask me what time, I'll just be late anyway (although I try to be on around midnight-1am AWST/11am-midday EST)