Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho mikoglitch

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mikoglitch truyền trực tiếp Chỉ trò chuyện.

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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I'm chill I don't do the lewd stuff ITS MY FIRST STREAM EVER! Please help me get associated. I'm from the game world and just created all my socials today~ Im not even sure how to navigate through my twitch! I'm a failed game character. Auditioned for many games but never got picked. Always got casted for background roles like a tree or an NPC. so I decided to take a shot at twitch streaming and see how i do~ Girl gotta make those coins somehow. So about my glitch..... It's a corruption in my "code" and it changes my personality... Don't believe in anything my glitch says. it's all lies. I'm trying to get it fixed asap but... i dont have game health insurance so it's been kinda rough for me. FeelsBadMan On a happier note! I want to chat with my earth counterparts and see who are the people behind the monitors!


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