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433 seguidores


Love RPGs. Fighting game casual. Terrible at games like Dark Souls and Nioh. Ultimate Omega Quintet stan. Covid survivor. Diabetic.よろしく

Conteúdo do Painel
Given my health my schedule is currently random. I typically stream at night.
Conteúdo do Painel
Supporting my channel not only gets you my appreciation but also the following: [Click here to see my current emotes and loyalty badges](https://twitchemotes.com/channels/6611788) [Sub link here](https://www.twitch.tv/products/mikosu/ticket)
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If you wish to support ya boi this way then: [$mikosu Cashapp link](https://cash.app/$mikosu) (Pro: No fees on receiver end. Con: Not linked to my Twitch alerts so let me know you used this to be recognized.) [Regular tips here](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/mikosu) (Pro: Immediate recognition on stream. Con: Fee charged on receiver end.)
Conteúdo do Painel
* Doctor_Izzle $1100 (What a legend) * tieon_the_anomaly * MARIOTHEWIZARD * MoonlessKnight2 * fgc_kazui * xMascheratax