Profile banner for mimixowo



MiMix | Music | Entertainment | Gaming | Memes | DJ @uwu_verse

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1. No advertising! Refrain from advertising/asking to advertise your stream in chat. If you're cool as a person I'll give you a shout out! 2. No toxic behavior and no self promoting. This is the easiest way to either get timed out or banned permanently. 3. Do not spam. You will get two warnings, then a soft ban. Repeated offenses leads to a perma ban. 4. Respect each other. Everyone has a valid opinion, any form of disrespect, bullying and etc. will get you ONE warning. After that; Perma ban. 5. Have fun. This is a place for everyone to be themselves and enjoy what we all enjoy; Msuic, video games and memes. 6. Be friendly, this community is for everyone and we're here to share the same hobbies and interests.
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#こんにちわ! ###Hiya!!: I'm Mimida!/MiMix (Sometimes Mimi for short) I'm 29 and an aspiring DJ. I love playing games and connecting with people, it's one of the reasons why I joined up on twitch! I mainly DJ and entertain, but off-stream I play games such as FFXIV and Valorant! I'm always down to play games with people so anytime you see me online dont be afraid to dm! *A b s o l u t e l y* Otaku Trash. ***** ###Current games I play: + **FFXIV** + **Valorant** + **Genshin Impact** + **Rainbow Six: Siege** ****
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Feel free to also join our **[Discord]( server!** ###This is my personal Discord server and we would love to have you join our community.
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**[Donate](** ❤️️ Donations activate text-to-voice! ❤️️ **All donations are appreciated, and are welcomed! Never feel obligated to donate~** As all growing streamers and pro gamers, donations are a life line~ The more donations I receive the more I can do to grow my stream~! The more donations I receive the closer I am to realizing my dreams of making video games my new career! If you want to support me in other ways you can click on these links here: **[Amazon Wishlist](** **[Ko-fi](** **[Soundcloud](**