Profile banner for miriampearl



From dice, decks, boards, and video games I have found a passion, gaming. The land of Tamriel is my main home for adventures. (Elder Scrolls Online) Role-playing, Housing, PVP, Aesthetic gamer.


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Hello, I am Miriampearl, but my friends call me, Miri. *Please excuse the mess. This page is currently a work in progress. Thank you for joining me in my gaming adventures! If you enjoy gaming, laughter, and ESO adventures you have come to the right place. Hope everyone has an amazing time! Let's chill and party in Tamriel! (I play on PS4 EU.)

Ninja Bunny Emotes and Butterfly Badges

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These are the original and current emotes and badges for the channel. These are done by the amazing Bioticshark! You can check their Twitter out by clicking the link!

Real Life Story

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-I have 4 Kitties. You may see them on stream. They are loud and demand attention. I must bow to them, because they own me. -My cats names are Lorein (Lothlorien), Zelda, Simon, and J'zargo. -I am happily married to my soulmate. -I love to write. I have my degree in English. -Old school gamer, but new to Twitch and streaming community.
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1.) Most important thing is to BE KIND: no bullying, name calling, or plain being rude or crude. Not fun for anyone. 2.) Everyone is here to have fun. If your agenda is otherwise, move on. 3.) Use common sense: Do not bring up conversation topics of controversy. Hence, No fun. 4.) No back seat gaming. I am a casual player and my primary goal is to have fun. -See a pattern yet? Please have fun, enjoy everyone's company, and be helpful. I reserve the right to ban anyone disrupting our fun with or without warning. Thank you.

My Gaming Life

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I have always been fascinated with games since pinball machines in the arcade. Weekend Monopoly marathons were a regular activity growing up. My first console was a Nintendo, but I played it until it wore out. Then my mom said, "No, more video games." So I went back to my first love, books and board games. In high school I learned how to play D&D and Magic the Gathering. Then my dad built me my very own computer, and it was a game changer. That helped me delve into my first mmo, Ultima Online. This was also the time in my life I dabbled into beta testing games. First thing I bought with my graduation money was a PS2, right back into console gaming. I tried out WOW, various table-top rpgs, and found my love for Munchkin while in college. I was smart enough to marry a fellow gamer. (We even received a Wii for a wedding present.) We indulge each other with a closet full of consoles, board, table-top, and card games. We often find arcades and gaming shops when vacationing. Gaming has always been a part of who I am and makes me happy. I found many friends and met interesting people through gaming. Games of Interest: Elder Scrolls series. (ESO will be my main streaming game.) Final Fantasy series. Legend of Zelda Series. Sims game series. Mario. Animal Crossing. Tell-tale Games. Board and card games. Dungeons and Dragons.

Elder Scrolls Online

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-PS4 EU Server. ~PC/NA Server -Healer by nature -10 characters (Hopefully more soon.) -Good rule: Do not ever follow Miri anywhere! (I get lost and walk off often.) -Main interests: Housing, crafting, questing, aesthetic gaming, lore, pvp, and fun. -May see book reviews of Tamriel. -I am a crafter. I must do my writs every single day. There may be survey and crafting day.
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-To stream for fun and meet new friends. -To lift people up and bring them joy. -To spread positivity through the gaming community. -To share ESO adventures with other people. -To spread my creative wings and fly.
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Find ESO related screenshots, news, and my journey on streaming.

Completed Houses and Soon to come themes.

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Housing Tours and Tips Videos coming soon!

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Miriampearl's Housing Tours and Tips (Homes of Tamriel) 1.) Ald Velothi Harbor House, (Dark Wonderland Garden)Part 1: Daytime-Posted; 02-06-2019 1a.) Ald Velothi Harbor House, (Dark Wonderlad Garden)Part 2: Night time-Posed: 02-06-2019 2.) Twin Arches, (Lore Library)-Posted: 2-21-2019 3.) Black Vine Villa (Gambling Establishment)- Coming Soon

ESO Adventure Screenshots

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The Channel Fluffle Panels.

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The talented Loonaromi designed our new panel art. Give our lovely friend Loona some love.