Profile banner for mischels



Hey my name is MisChels! We are all grown and are here to chill and relax with the vibing music!

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You are in the market for a new energy power for gaming? Come check out a new company that I am partner with called Dubby. It has 10 new formula powders that can allow your focus and energy stay up with no crash. Remember use CODE : CHELSEA323 for 10% off of your order! Have fun gaming!!
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As of right now this is my only way for income for me with that being said, all the money that we raise go back into the stream itself. I appreciate if you would like to support but you DO NOT HAVE TO! P.S. there is no refund policies unless you privately contact me.
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Hi, im Chelsea but everyone calls me Chels! I love to play games and also try to spread positives vibes through my streams! But take my word, im not good at any of the games but i do try to play as professional as I can! So sit back and enjoy the games and commentary! Also ive started streaming on kamcord Feburary 14 2016 now im over here! Started streaming on twitch October 23 , 2016
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JCFarmin NicholsJJ ClashBashing doubl3down iamyouraveragegamer- Charity SuperTexan BeatTheBeat Bitok Lp4_Zane kingspy1 dokidoki53 Leo Dat_Code_ Man Biggest_twitch_fan nameunkown69 Zelha Bitoks
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