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MissxxImmortal streams League of Legends, Old School RuneScape and The Long Dark.

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Hello! My name is Sam! I'm a 26 year old who has been gaming since childhood. Games I've been playing a lot of lately: One Hour One Life Overwatch League of Legends Fortnite The Long Dark Osu! Spy Party Transistor Games I may play in the future: Bastion Skyrim
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Please feel free to chat with me! Be nice to each other and use those manners they taught you in kindergarten New chat commands! !home !snek !newborn !king !game !sh !baby !sr !nom
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Donations are appreciated, but never expected or required! Any donations go toward upgrading equipment and getting me out of debt from school Thank you so much for your consideration! **By clicking on Pay with Paypal button and completing the transaction you hereby certify you are the rightful owner of the funds being tipped in this transaction and cannot be withdrawn / charged back.**
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