Profiilibanneri – miyune

117,5 t. seuraajaa


(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Hewwo~ I'm Miyu and I like crabs. Your out of this world waifu streams daily @ 12pm PST

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OYAA~ I'm Miyu, a SPACE GREMLIN from the mOoOn~! ヾ(・ω・o) I'm a bit of a weirdo but I like it because it's fun. I love to sing and dance and eat random things I find (●´ω`●) MAYBE ONE OF THOSE THINGS COULD BE YOU?!?! 🍔ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ ) 🌸 I PLAY ALL KINDS Of GAMES SO ASK ME AND MAYBE ILL TRY IT 🌸 Fan Art: [#DrawMiyu]( Also go get [GamerSupps]( if you want :3
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How to use the new AI TTS: [Click Here](
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Thank you so much for your support. 🥰 WAH! You are so amazing!! It is never ever required, but every penny helps me greatly and makes the stream even better! Your love gives me the opportunity to make meaningful improvements to the stream and my life. 💌 I want you all to take good care of yourselves first and foremost as all donations are not able to be refunded. Thank you so much for your support and understanding! :3 💖
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subscribing is an optional way you can feed me (●´ω`●) I wuv my invaders hanging out and chatting is more than enough, but if you find the kindness in your heart to support me you **will get ad free viewing, cute exclusive emotes, a pwetty badge, and funny role in the discord**
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uuWaH NOoO I HATE BEING SPOILED (click here to view my wish-list >:c )
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**🈁 Common Sense Rules; BE KIND! 🉑 Keep the chat in English and on topic! 🈳 No Spoilers, and NO HELP! 🈂️ Please don't bring up other streamers! 🈹 Do not ask for or share private information! 🈯 Listen to and respect the mods! ㊗️ Have fun!**
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Why are you looking at me like that? Here's where you can find me off of stream OwO 🌸 [Youtube]( 🌸 [Twitter]( 🌸 [Discord]( 🌸 [Patreon]( 🌸 [Merch]( 🌸 [Reddit]( 🌊**Contact me here for business!:** []( **and here for sponsors/partnerships!:** [](
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Mama: [shouu_kyun]( Papa: [KVXart]( Emotes: [maeriette]( Starting Screen: [KainaNate]( Overlays: [UwU Media]( Panels: [Yreilia]( Banner: [DokiMaru]( Icon: [keipupart]( + [kjoee88](