Profile banner for mlbonedaddy



I play video games. I'm generally average. But I love you guys, so let's have fun.

Chat Rules

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1) Don't be a Dick. 2) Don't be a Dick. 3) Send Cookies.

The Sched!

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All Times are generally when my schedule allows, but there are days when I get stuck at the Day job or Rehearsal a little late. But these are generally the times and days I get to Stream! :D All Times Eastern Sunday: After 6pm Monday: Off Tuesday: After 7 Wednesday: Off Friday: Off Saturday: after 7Pm


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Donations aren't really a must, but are always appreciated! It'll help out to get a variety of games, Layouts, and even help me to survive the world! Possibly even to help build a Dildo Cannon. You never know.

Follow Me on Twitter!

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I'll announce when I'm about to start a stream here!