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imagine having braincells

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wassup i fuckin uh shit n stuff yknow how it is haha rawrrrr xd do not come if you're not 18+. if you're a minor you will be instantly eviscerated, sry.
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✧[**Discord:**]( My server!! Come chill with the neat community and me. :) ✧[**Youtube:**]( You can find some of my goofy edits and stupid clips here! ✧[**Twitter:**]( It's pure cringe. Don't look. ✧[**Stream Archives:**]( Did you miss a really old stream? You can find it here! ✧[**Old Character Lore:**]( For those that want to know the backstory of my old VTuber character.
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✧*Make sure to use ! before any of the commands. I couldn't put the prefix by the commands because Twitch felt a lil' goofy and decided commands can't be bold. <3* ✧**8ball:** Get an answer from the 8ball. ✧**accountage:** Find out how old your account is. ✧**chatstats:** Hehe funny numbers. ✧**commands:** Get a link to a page that shows you all the commands. ✧**discord:** Get a link to my Discord server. ✧**followage:** Find out how long you've been following me for. ✧**lurk:** Gives you a thank you message for lurking. ✧**quote:** Get a quote. ✧**uptime:** See how long my current stream has been up for. ✧**watchtime:** See how much time you've spent watching me.
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