Profile banner for monstershenanigans



Your local friendly Monster, plays many games, badly narrating or voice acting quite a few of them and is only somewhat good at games.

About the streamer

Panel Content
I've got really shaky hands/bad grip/neural issues so sometimes I don't play good, but I have played (difficult) games since I was little, so it works out more than not. I have worked as a whole lot of different things since my first job over ten years ago, and about half of those working some kind of night shift. I'm half scandinavian, and I speak several languages, so sometimes I use figures of speech and idioms from other languages- but I try to keep it to english. I also enjoy amateurishly voice acting/narrating things, drawing and writing. You have been warned.

Stream content

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I play a variety of games, and I even have been seen doing other types of content on here like writing/worldbuilding. If I'm playing a game with a lot of unvoiced dialogue, I will often try to narrate it (with funny/separate voices so you know who speaks- to the best of my ability) I tend to try and play games from start to finish with as many bonus objectives as I have energy and knowledge for. I am also working on speedrunning celeste but with bad strats because it's fun, and I also sometimes do challenge runs for other games I like a lot.


Panel Content
Usually I go live at somewhere between 20:00 and 22:00/8 to 10 pm (Gmt+2/middle europe time zone) and I usually run between 3-4 hours, with the occasional longer stream. As of the time I am updating this, until I remember/change my schedule again, I am working a 7 days on 7 days off night job with longer hours, so I usually only have the capacity to stream every other week, and I am trying to be more social in the weekends I have off, so expect maybe 5 streams every other week if I'm not feeling like a heap of tiredness.

VODs and other fun stuff?

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If you missed one of my streams for a game I did start-to-finish (or a speedrun personal best) and want to watch it (or all of them), I export them as-is to [Monster's VODs](