Баннер профиля для moodmossy

193 фолловера


Variety Streamer with a passion for photography. Let’s talk about games, gear, animals, photos, or how your day went.

Содержимое панели
Hi there! I'm Gamma (real name is Michael) and I'm a variety streamer! I'm currently updating this section so I'm just going to keep typing for a bit since I'm sure very few people will read this. :)
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Содержимое панели
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Содержимое панели
[Tips](https://streamlabs.com/gammathousand) are definitely not something that I ask for, but they will always be greatly appreciated. Any money given to me will go back into the stream in some way, not used for personal expenses. One of the best ways to donate to the stream is gifting games off of my [Steam Wishlist](https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/gammathousand/#sort=order). If a game is gifted to me, it will be the next game that will be played on stream!
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