Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho moom_9

196 người theo dõi


moom_9 truyền trực tiếp Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate và BlazBlue: Central Fiction.

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I upload the interesting sets from my long streams. Usually best of fives :D
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You can donate through Paypal. This link is to notify all of us LIVE not just me. Help me out if you are having a good time! Thanks in advance :3
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Follow for latest updates about the stream and other stuff!
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Just have fun, Okay?! <3
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My name is Abdulrahman Ayyash I am 23 years old I was the best smash player in the middle eastern region during smash 4 using solo Rosalina. I'm currently doing my bachelor's degree in Malaysia majoring in software Engineering.
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Please notify me when you add me so I add you back! I use discord mainly for smash match making. Notify me through twitter DM because I use it the most! coco | moom#8963