Баннер профиля для mr_brood

3,2 тыс. фолловера


Hey! i'm a streamer from the netherlands, mostly playing adventure RPGs or shooters

Chat rules

1. have respect for everyone 2. please keep the chat in english so everyone can understand, i like the occasional dutch but keep it to a minimum. 3. insulting me or anyone else will result in you getting banned. It is not hard to behave like a normal person so just do that. 4. no Kappa

Stream setup

CPU: i5 6600K GPU: R9 390 RAM: 8 GB OS: Windows 10 [Internet Speed](https://gyazo.com/f96a7876de30ceff0a64848a388b43ea) Stream settings: Resolution: 1280x720 Framerate: 60 FPS Bitrate: 5000 KB/s Recording software: [OBS](https://obsproject.com/)


Содержимое панели
If you really want to support me and the stream, you can click the image to donate. Don't feel any need to donate, but if you really want to throw me a buck then that is greatly appreciated!!!