แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ mrmimehd

ผู้ติดตาม 124 คน


Hey everyone! Just a friendly gamer doing his best! I am a variety streamer. I don't have a consistent schedule as of yet, but hope to soon have one. Enjoy the content!

My name is Corey/Mimey and I'm a causal gamer that tries to stream a little bit of everything. For the most part I stream on my PC, but i do also stream on my PS4. I'm not super consistent on my schedule as of yet, but I promise I'm working on it. I hope you enjoy the stream!
SpaceBoid did my amazing emotes! I can not thank him enough for them and i plan on continuing to commission more from him in the future! Please go check out his amazing Artwork. It's beyond amazing<3
**This applies to both the Channel and my chat** +First and Foremost: Don't be a dick. + **I have zero acceptance towards bullying others, its one thing to joke directly with me as i do it with Umbra1195 all the time, but towards others in chat will result in a timeout directly by me then a ban if continued. that's final** +Second: Be kind and courteous to others. +Third: **No Racism/Sexism/ect** This will not be tolerated. *ANYONE* is welcome to my channel. +Fourth: No Self Promotion without approval +Lastly: **Don't. be. a. dick**
For now, i really only use Twitter on a rarity. You might find up to date information about when i will go live, but to be honest i don't use it often
Are you sure you want to do this? Are you really sure?? Like...really, really sure? Donations are never required, but i truly appreciate it. Being in the stream and lurking or chatting is enough for me! Go buy yourself something nice instead! Still adamant, huh? Well i can't stop you! **BUT** please keep in mind that all donations are final and will not be refunded. Thank you so much!!