msmayhaps 的個人檔案橫幅

294 位追隨者


im new in town. sup.


Hello friends! My name is Abigail (but you can call me Abi) and I play video games sometimes, I also draw and make weird noises, so if you're into that sort of thing, stick around. Also I'm a robot, beep boop.


Find me on Twitter here: :)


1. No transphobia (duh), as well as no racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. You already know what's up. 2. PLEASE don't ask to be mod constantly, it gets real annoying real fast. 3. Don't debate about politics, religion, or any other kind of "debate" topic. 4. Swears are obviously allowed, but don't direct them towards myself or others in the chat, if you do this excessively it's gonna be a problem. 5. Please don't promote your own channel or content, of if you do at least ask permission before, I'll allow it from a good friend but if strangers just come in here to plug their own stuff and not be active then that's not cool. 6. Basically just use common sense, this stuff isn't hard to figure out, just don't be a dick.


if you would like to support me, feel free to send me some money on payapal! I would greatly appreciate every penny UwU