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Objectively the best Yosher


I mostly stream playing video game fast Main Speedgames - Start date: Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst - 2010 Yoshi's Island - February 2013 [Yoshi's Island Leaderboards]( [Click to see all my speedruns]( PC spex: Ryzen 2600x 16GB 3600 Gigabyte 1060 6GB ITX Mini
Donations will be utilized as I see fit.

How are u

<22:59:50> "the flying clutchman": i have 10mb of miku songs in flac <01:06:01> "the flying clutchman": shieks a reverse futa <00:34:54> neko-arc =`^.^`=: k-on has some clutch moments XDarkGoth, u no wats weird XDarkGoth, eclaires are a food <21:40:35> "Black Body Radiator": honestly gaming graphics have hardly gotten better since psobb <20:15:23> "alternative stacks": man they just keep adding time to this tornado warning, this is casual <20:15:40> "alternative stacks": like if the winds moving so fast why is it still here "zzz": maybe they're applying 2x drop rate "zzz": #optimistic "Mysterious Tsundere1": 2x drop rate on ur moms panties "Mysterious Tsundere1": whats 2x 100% "This morning, I woke up, and poured myself a bowl of cereal. Instead of using a normal spoon though, I used a spoon with holes in it, as it'd be more efficient, I'd waste less space on the spoon with milk, and allow myself to get more grains of cereal onto the spoon, drinking the milk separately after, saving me a few seconds. I thought about getting a shower before work, but it was raining outside, so I stripped down, and ran naked in the rain and cleaned myself as I ran (I always carry soap in case, can never be too prepared). I then dressed while the elevator took me up to my floor. I carried out my work in an efficient matter, and then made my way home, making sure to take the shortest routes (I even traveled by sewer to cut across a few blocks). While in the sewer, I killed 2 rats which would serve as dinner for the day, using my own efficient method which I will not disclose to check for disease. I then had sex with my fiance (54 seconds flat), and had a nap so that I may stay up all night and get some work done and then continue my rigorous schedule on PSO. I am typing this as I am taking a crap to save time. Just thought I'd let you all in on easy ways to stay efficient." "Thank you for sharing such sound advice with us, Loki. Although, I still can't believe that, while you were running to shower, you didn't also take an empty bottle with you to catch some water so you could drink later on without having to fetch it. Personally, I set up my alarm clock to vibrate a few seconds before starting to play music so that I can first wake up somewhat and then a loud song starts playing a few seconds later which completely wakes me up and keeps me pumped as I get on my feet. I feel the best way to get up is by applying pressure on your back and using the impulse to throw your legs up and forward so that you are on your feet immediately. While I'm doing this motion, I stretch my left arm to grab some socks so that I can put them on while in mid-air. The timing is somewhat difficult to get, but I'm fine since I'm still young. I can't possibly imagine doing this at 25 years old or something crazy like that. After this, I do a side flip to the left and stretch my arms while I do so, as I have neatly placed a t-shirt so that I can get it on while doing the flip. At the same time, I grab my shoes and throw them up in the air. With the right height (which I get every time since I'm inhuman), they fall on the floor exactly after I put my jeans on and before I place my feet on the floor. The jeans are hanging from two strings so that I can just jump into them. I don't need to tie my shoes, they're already tied so that I only need to squish my feet in. With me so far? Get ready to be blown the hell away now, because shit's just about to get real. I start to run toward my room's door, this takes me exactly 3 steps if I side-step correctly and places me facing the exit directly. Not excited enough? WELL, GUESS WHAT? That was just the WARM-UP. I take another 3 long steps and reach the stairs. I jump. That's right. I jump the motherfucking stairs. I have placed some springs on the left so that when I land I immediately get sent through the door to the right. As I go through it, I place my left foot strongly and rotate counter-clockwise so that I'm facing the windows through which I jump to the ground floor outside. My breakfast is eaten on the way, by targeting small birds with a slingshot. These are just my first 23 seconds of the day. I'm still pondering skating through my room and grinding on the rail with it at the stairs. Will have to test out." "i bet geology is hard, because rox are hard" " if i can feel my nutz thru my pretty pleated skirt and frilly panties then maybe ill realize im a guy" <19:22:50> "#1 Nigguah": hmany times do mechguns hit? 3 times each shot right? <19:23:37> "#1 Nigguah": 4* "ATTENTION: all "elites" Please give a reason why you are an elite and explain your bullshit about what the hell makes you so fucking great that you can attempt to bring down those users who simply play the game to pass time, as opposed to being complete dumbfucks who can't fucking run a 50 yard dash without having to suck oxygen. On top of that, go outside, maybe you'll not have to be a piece of shit ghostly pale piece of shit. I never claimed to be elite. Don't care what labels you give me, you're just a piece of shit so grow up and stop caring. You'll thank me later." "Also, I do not know all of the specifics of each quest for TA. What I meant was that I have a general understanding of "do this, don't do that" for most situations. All that remains after that is to discover the specifics through trial and error. Sure, someone might have better natural skill and get a faster time on his first run, but he may hit a wall later on, whereas another person may start out slowly but experience continual improvement. **The amount of "skill" that a person retains from one run to the next is based upon his personal aptitude, which is determined at birth.** Wherever your "skill celiing" is, you'll hit it eventually and become frustrated. Nobody can ever become perfect. To argue that the "journey to perfection" is the important part ignores the fact that once the goal is reached, the fun is over. I personally dislike the fact that the discovery period is over, and all I have to deal with now is my personal skill. I have always had trouble "getting good" at things, and it takes me a longer time to improve at things than most people. This makes me very bitter toward my lot in life, because it's due to no fault of my own. Why should I be given inferior tools for deriving enjoyment from life, but above average understanding of this poor situation? It really sucks when you're adept at examining things all the time, but you suck every time you try to actually do something. It would be better to be both stupid and inept, as the former would make you unaware of the latter. If there is a God, He's given me the worst skill set possible. The only thing I'm good at is explaning a state of mind or a theory. I can't actually do anything impressive. Most of the people who CAN do impressive things lack the understanding to appreciate what they have, and the few that possess both ability and understanding usually become pretentious asses. Here is the hierarcy of aptitude: Skilled and intelligent- this person is good and he knows it, so he's very happy, and he lets you know about it on a regular basis. Skilled and unaware- usually nicer than the person on top, but he never gets to fully appreciate what he has. Unskilled and unaware- he sucks, but he's not aware of it, so he stays pretty happy, AND doesn't have to worry about what the guy at the top of this list thinks of him (in fact, this very tidbit may actually put THIS skill set on top of the list). Unskilled and intelligent- nothing works for this guy except for his mind. He's fully aware that everything he tries is a failure, which is very embittering, as he lacks the skill to remedy his situation. He only has the skill to sit and compile lists of people who are better off than himself. Charlie Brown." quote="16085k"]sure is casual in here[/quote] "I'm nearly 16. I smoke. How many cigarettes do you reckon is the limit to have per day? I know people my age who go through 20+ in a day, is that too much? I usually have 1-5 per day. That's alright, right? What do you guys think?"

In which the speedrun mentality is proven 2 be Morally Bankrupt

: the only reason someone would continue to hang : around and "master" a game that has been picked apart is : to assert dominance over others : i think the TA mindset is the product of an extremely : flawed character. the entire premise of TA is flawed : there's no "second runs" in life : you're only as good as your first try : i can't enjoy my game, my item hunting, knowing that : there's peopel who pick apart every damn frame of the : game and destroy everything in it : we play it for affirmation, and your style of play is : based on the abusing of things that people generally : agree not to do, to maintain the integrity of the game : i think there has to be something wrong with you to : think like a TAer, like some sort of moral fault. : not the playstyle itself, but there has to be something : wrong at the core of someone who wants to pick apart : a normally enjoyable activity that badly. : i dunno...the drive for efficiency is what is causing : industries and schools to dehumanize everything : you're all a product of this : there's nothing i can say that will convince any of you : to stop playing how you do. but i will say that i think th : is something wrong with you for wanting to play : a video game efficiently. this is supposed to be fun, so : someday you'll wake up and realize that you don't matter : at all, and it's going to suck :/ : i can't enjoy anything now because of this mindset Jasmine: That's your fault Loki: then you need help Jasmine: Not ours. Zynetic: That's your problem. :\ Claire~: That isn't our fault though : no, it's yours for showing it o me : no, i don't want to play at all anymore : i mean, even you guys : you COULD get better, but you know it's going to happen : if you keep plying, so why bother? : you should just assume that everything is done and be done : why go on the journey if you can already see its end? : because you know it's going to happen if you keep playing : so why waste time on it? : who cares if you enjoy it? someday it will come to an end : and it will be lost forever, so why do it? : that's why i can't start any new game now : because the same thing is going to happen to it as PSO : so why even bother with th journey? : it's not a logically possible rule : you can't govern something that's not part of a game : as a game