150 sledovateľov


Hi! My name is Ramon, but my friends call me Mun. Oh, and I like Star Wars. Mun + Star Wars = Mundolorian! Get it?

Who am I?

Obsah panela
My name is Ramon, but you can also call me Mun(dolorian). I like to play video games on my days off! Now that I created my own Twitch-channel, I will try to entertain you while I'm at it.


Obsah panela
I appreciate every donation, but don't feel obliged to do so! I will use donations to upgrade my setup, so I can improve the quality of the stream in the future :D Are you younger than 16 but you still want to donate? Ask your parents first!

More to come

Obsah panela
As you may have guessed by looking at my page, there is a lot that can still improve. Everything is still under construction