
Me llamo Jose. I'm new to the streaming industry but not video games. Been gaming since the classic Nintendo with the 1ft cassettes. I play almost anything I come across so any suggestions will be good. Only have PS4 for now so add me and come chat w yo boy. PSN: murderline-420

Treat Stream

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I am a welder and a college student during the day but at night time, the gamer comes out. A father of 3 ( Jose, Jayden, and Jacob). My newborn, Jacob, is always screaming in the background. He's a spoiled lil brat is what he is. I love him though. I play everything. Shooters, Survival, RPG, etc. Im only on PS4 for now but will be getting into PC gaming. PSN: Murderline-420
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I am busy most of the day with a 1 hr break ( 12 pm -1 PM). I sometimes take advantage of it and use this time to stream. Other than that, its nightly streams. Monday: 9 PM- 12 AM Tuesday: No stream. Will be improving all channels/ social media Wednesday: 9 PM- 12 AM Thursday: No stream. Will be improving all channels/ social media Friday: 9 PM- 12 AM Saturday: 50/50 I will stream. Depending on my day. Sunday: Might do a long day stream
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All donations and tips will only go towards to improving the stream and giving back to the gaming community, such as giveaways. I can improve it myself but i have 3 boys and a spoiled wife so I gotta take care of them first. Y'all know how it is.
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Join my Discord. Trying to build a community... or make new friends
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Follow me on here to see when I randomly Go LIVE
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Brand new to uploading videos on here but more content will be coming
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You are entering a crime scene! This is isn't for the faint of heart! But in all seriousness I'm chill, you chill, we all chill. Just keep it mature. We're all here to have fun. If you come in here just to promote yourself or someone else, you gone. Simple as that.
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Go check her out. Really talented graphics designer
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This is Jacob Ace. My youngest. Most of the time you will hear screaming in the background for attention. Spoiled little brat. I love you boy
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Here are my 2 oldest, Jose Angel and Jayden Alexander. Bad boys but I love them as well. They're so big already!