Profile banner for musicman1017



Music Producer and Gamer. Creator of DMCA strike-free music for creators! Business inquiries:

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Welcome! My name is Malcolm. I'm a Twitch Partner, full time musician, music producer, artist, father, and a Hardcore Minecraft fanatic. Long story short, my daughter bought Minecraft on my phone in 2018, I fell in love with it, and I am now a pro Minecrafter thanks to her LOL! Decided to get Java and give hardcore a try when I found out about it in March of 2020. Follow me as I try to survive! The purpose of my channel is to bring together those who share the love of the two things I love most: MUSIC and MINECRAFT! All of the music you hear on my channel was written and produced by me to create a chill atmosphere for anyone who stops by!
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Click the link above for access to all 3 albums of my original background music! The albums are DMCA-strike FREE, and available on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and ALL STREAMING PLATFORMS so feel free to play it on your own stream or use it for podcasts/Youtube! :D THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!!
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Donations are never required, but are much appreciated and always go directly to the stream! Thank you for any amount of support for the channel <3 Please note that tips are non-refundable if you choose to donate. Thank you!
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As well as ad-free viewing, subscribers of the Musicman Movement also gain access to these hand drawn custom emotes, designed by Musicman himself! Sub now to get access to YOURS! ------>
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Join my Discord for all the latest that's happening here at the Musicman Movement! Thank you for helping me change the world!