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Cool person impersonator. I laugh. you laugh, we all laugh.

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Hey! I'm Jake, I'm 30 and from New Jersey I work a full time job and play video games. I'm funny, love all things nerdy. I have been playing video games since I was 6. I suffer from depression and sometimes it gets really bad, but I'm an advocate for Mental Health and love to try and help people with any problems they may be going through. I love making friends through video games. I got married in May 2021! Woo! Would love to one day do this as a career but I know it will take time and effort, so lets just have some fun! As I'm just starting out I am trying not to over do it. M - T - W - Th - 3-7:30pm F - 3-7:30pm Sat - Mostly during the day. No set time. Sun - Maybe ** All times are in EST. **
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Really anything that catches my attention. I'm always open to try out new games. So if you ask me about a game I've never heard of tell me about it. You may just catch me streaming it.
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I am very laid back. Just be polite to your fellow watchers in chat. Essentially, don't be a douche.
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Donations or tips are always welcome but never required! I'm not a full time streamer by any means all donations received go right back into my streaming hardware and such to make it more enjoyable for the audience!