Баннер профиля для myprincero

208 фолловеров


♡ My name is Roen, you can call me Ro. (^ ~ ω・^ ) ♡

Содержимое панели
♡ Ro or Roen ♡ He/him ♡ 28 ♡ Canadian ♡ Art ♡ Variety ♡
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
♡ No bigotry of any kind: transphobia, homophobia, racism, misogyny, ableism, fatphobia, etc. etc. etc. ♡ Drop topics that the mods/streamer tell you to ♡ Don't be too horny ♡ For moderation, please use English ♡ Be kind to chat! ♡ Be kind to the streamer! ♡ Be kind to yourself! My stream does not have chat messages when I am followed. I will not name you when you follow. If you choose to follow offline, you will not be called out. We are shy-friendly and lurker-friendly!
Содержимое панели
I do all my own channel art