Profile banner for nafaustu



Welcome to my village! I played Dragon Warrior when it released, and I've been playing DnD since the current edition had an & in the name. We primarily have nice, relaxing build, create, and explore streams. Everyone is welcome as long as you can be kind to one another.

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On the outside, i'm a mild mannered office work type, but on the inside i'm a gothic glitter kitchen witch who loves nature, knowledge and science. You can catch me here playing video games and talking about all of those things! I stream Tuesday and Thursdays, from around 11:00am until 3:00pm eastern time, give or take thirty minutes. (Sometimes my day job needs me a bit longer, or a bit earlier than normal!) I'm not an artist, but i've done MOST of my sub badges, emotes. [Vanddriss]( did my panel art, intro, outro and brb screens!
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All the rules boil down to this: Be kind, calm, and considerate of others. Everyone is welcome as long as you can be kind to one another.
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All the other stuff I haven't thought of yet will go right here!
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