Profile banner for nanowife



โ‡’โ‡’โ‡’ Not Your Wife โ‡โ‡โ‡ // FGC: / Alisa / Elphelt / Juri \\ {Valorant: Deadlock, ???} [[ maplewife โ™ชโ‚(ยดโ–ฝ`สƒโ™กฦช) ]]

### Hello there! >Call me NanoWife or Nano! {Maple is fine if you're an OG} I harbor wicked love for sweets. !burp >>TEKKEN, Valorant, Dark Souls, assorted indie titles & other FPS titles. ****************************************** !! Cosplayer !! Aggressively competitive.


Panel Content
Appreciate y'all<3

abide by these

* **Thou Shalt Not Be A Prick** (No sexism, racism, ableism, violent threats, homophobia, transphobia, extensive political affiliation/discourse, or dehumanizing comments. I don't want to see it and won't entertain such mentalities.) * **Thou Shall Have a Sense of Humor.** * **Thou Shalt Not Fucking Hit on Me.** * **Thou Shall Refrain From Revealing tons of personal info.** Internet Safety 101, y'all. * **Thou Shalt Not Backseat Game.** Ask before attempting to give unsolicited advice. >Feel free to head on back to the directory if this ain't your cup of tea. ๐Ÿ”ž No Minors ๐Ÿ”ž **21+ Preferred.**

Visual Art Credits & Attributions:

>Marcy Icon: by [**@SuccubAshe**]( >Offline Screen: Fighting Game Characters by [**@Uirusu_chan**]( >Pixel Portrait: by [**@CHARLENEMAXIMUM**]( ) >Chat Bubbles: by [**@imzaytri**]( >Sub Badges: by [**@_sochu**]( >Emotes as of 12/2023: SMUG (KJ,Val) by [**@CandiedLilacArt**]( HUH (Alisa,T7) by [**@ciirilla**]( GLARE by [**@Remlynee**]( (WIP 011/21) [All @username socials listed above are for Twitter]
Panel Content
Time Zone: Eastern Standard.