Profile banner for narsildoom



Hi I’m Narsil! I like to Shred and play games - come say hi so I don’t die!

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NAME: Narsil AGE: 31 FAVE FOOD: curry / sushi FAVE BAND: black sabbath ANIMAL: baby otters & elephants! PETS: cheddar - a boston terrier! FUN FACT: can solve a rubix cube in under a minute XD lol. thanks for being here!!! happy to have you!
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want to help the stream?? I appreciate it so much!!! please read this disclaimer: by donating to the stream, you acknowledge that you are the rightful owner of the account/funds being tipped, and agree to not refund or charge back the funds // donations are non-refundable. By donating you acknowledge that no goods or services are purchased with your donation and at this time no perks are given to donators
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-ALL are welcome here. NO racism !! NO LGBTQIA+ phobia !! -dont be too vulgar or a creeeep!!! -Don't post links or images that promote other streamers (unless asked!) // pornographic // gore related or of malicious intent! -Banter between two people is fine, personally attacking someone is not. Respect one another, and everyone's right to privacy. -Mods reserve the right to take disciplinary action at their discretion -I trust my mods and it's their word against yours. -Have fun! Im so glad you are here !!!
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SETUP: -M1 Macbook Air 2020 -Logitech Brio Webcam -Ring light and panel light (amazon) -FiFine USB mic K678 -Audiotechnica M20x headphones -Eazeechair M5 task chair -my "stream deck" is a mapped numpad -xbox one -nintendo switch MUSIC EQUIPMENT: -jackson rhoads -BOSS katana 100
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Sound trigger menu for you to spam throughout my stream, come on in and get silly with us! Sounds are as follows: !abc !chili !cough !daddy !fart1 !fart2 !fightin !grapefruit1 !grapefruit2 !mack !model !only !opossum !punch !spellcheck !yes
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