131 urmăritori


nartwehttam redă în flux VALORANT, Counter-Strike și osu!.

Conținut panou
WASSAAAAPP My name is Matthew, I'm 21 years old, I enjoy playing video games, but I'm TERRIBLE. I mainly play CSGO, Osu!, and Valorant If you request a game I'll try it out :)
Conținut panou
Donate by clicking the picture ABOVE ^^^^^^^


Q: What type of asian are you? A: Vietnamese Q: What's your name? A: Matthew Tran Q: What does NartWehttam mean? A: It's Matthew Tran backwards lmao Q: Favorite foods? A: French FRIES Any other questions? FEEL FREE TO ASK IN CHAT!


- Respect Everyone on the Stream - No racism or racist remarks in the chat - Have Fun and meet new people on the stream - No Toxicity


- cl_crosshairstyle 4 - cl_crosshairthickness 1 - cl_crosshairgap -2 - cl_crosshairsize 2