Μπάνερ προφίλ για το κανάλι neatwork

298 ακόλουθοι


Super Mario 64 Speedrunner, variety gamer on the side. Come relax and hang out with me!

Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
+ No racism. + No excessive vulgarity. + Don't post links or images that promote other streamers/cosplayers, are pornographic, gore related or of malicious intent. + Banter between two people is fine, personally attacking someone is not. Respect one another, and everyone's right to privacy. + Keep the Chat and Discord clear of religion and politics. + Mods reserve the right to take disciplinary action at their discretion -I trust my mods and it's their word against yours. Have fun! Life is too short to spread negativity.
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