nerdparade 프로필 배너

팔로워 2.4만명


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Want to help out and keep Nerd Parade growing?! You can use the above link to donate and support not only the Channels but the Community too!
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Nerd Parade has grown into a fantastic Gaming Community! The Game Genres mostly played are Survival, Action/Adventure, RPG and MMORPGs! If you enjoy these kind of games too, Join the Community so we can game together!
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Interested in Supporting Nerd Parade on a regular basis?! Then Patreon is the answer! With Patreon I am able to give you special rewards and they get even better depending on the tier of support you choose! Patreon Rewards are an extra way that I am able to say "Thank you" to those who support!
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Want more Nerd Parade than just watching whats live?! Be sure to check out the YouTube Channel for over THOUSANDS of hilarious videos!