
Casual gamer. Here for the community. Stay a while and enjoy the shenanigans. \ ^_^ /

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Please help me raise $2000, by clicking the image above, for [Extra Life](https://bit.ly/extralife2024) benefiting Children's Miracle Network hospitals. You can power-up your donation by asking your employer about your company's matching gift program. A lot of organizations sponsor programs that match charitable contributions made by their employees. You may be surprised to find out your company has a matching gift program, too! The HR department is a great place to start. If they ask, you can download CMN's TAX ID, 501(c)(3) status, or W-9 form [here](https://assets.donordrive.com/extralife/files/$cms$/100/1973.zip). If they do match, please send me a message to discuss how we can direct those matching funds to this fundraising campaign. Thank you again for supporting a great cause!
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**Name**: Megan, but much rather prefer "Em" **Age**: 30 **Location**: Central NY **Job**: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hello Internet! Mid February '15 I started streaming and have fallen head over heels for the Twitch community. The stream originally started as a way for me to prepare for Magic: the Gathering competitive events. After a few years' long hiatus, I am slowly returning to MTG and hope to stream it when I can, but I prefer constructed over limited so the frequency in MTG content depends on whether or not I have a deck made up on MTGO or Arena. Step one towards re-immersion into the game is my helping out a [local, online card shop.](https://bit.ly/KoopaGarden) Until a deck has been decided on... Expect this stream to host a variety of gaming and creative content! As the stream becomes re-established, we'll be focusing on crafts as I ramp up the [crafts shop](https://kraftykoopa.etsy.com) and save towards upgrading my poop, potato desktop. Though not the most exciting to watch, I greatly enjoy how intimate these creative streams can be. We're quite the chatty bunch! Just a reminder for when I do start gaming more, much like my MTG gameplay, I'm casual about my gaming. Any games you love? I'm always looking forward to trying out new games <3 One of my favorite topics to chat about lately has been my mischievous toddler!
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Working on frequently updating (and keeping to) the linked calendar. Best way to stay in the know of when I'm live is to follow the channel or Twitter.
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For those who are interested in supporting the stream, there are a multitude of ways. [**TIPPING**](https://streamlabs.com/nerdy_koopa) Never expected but always appreciated! Thank you so much! [**SUBSCRIBE**](https://www.twitch.tv/products/shemehay/ticket) **Benefits** >Ad-Free Viewing on the channel >Twitch Subscriber Badge >Access to custom channel emote(s) able to be used site-wide **Wishlists** [WIP Computer Upgrades](http://a.co/dmYBxB5) [Craft/Con Help](http://a.co/fmSDGKx) This wishlist if predominantly focused on helping with the Etsy/Con shop. Supplies are always needed and appreciated. [Learning Knit/Crochet](http://a.co/bi3uszR) I've been wanting to learn more techniques for knitting. Videos are helpful, but having access to patterns and reading materials is the most beneficial! Also hope to learn crochet. Expect a few knit thank you gifts in the future!
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Recently signed up to become an Amazon Affiliate, meaning by using [this link](https://amzn.to/35tUPj2) to start your next Amazon order, the stream will receive a small commission! Still learning the ropes on how this works, but if you'd be willing to help test this out, it would be appreciated.
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ALL THE SOCIAL MEDIA RWAR! Fairly active on Twitter & Instagram. Everything else is hit/miss, but I'm trying to be more active across all platforms! **Twitter:** [@nerdy__koopa](https://twitter.com/nerdy__koopa) **Instagram:** [@kraftykoopa](https://www.instagram.com/kraftykoopa) GoodReads: [EM, aka sheMehay](https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/45884945-em) DeviantArt: [sheMehay](https://shemehay.deviantart.com/) Pinterest: [sheMehay](https://www.pinterest.com/shemehay/)
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Although I might be offline, there are still plenty of ways for us to hang out together! Feel free to join the Discord server and come out to Community Movie/Show nights! **DISCORD** Feel free to join the server by clicking [**HERE**](https://discord.gg/hUAwS2Q2Sb)
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**PERLER** Pokeween Holiday Themed Ideas Event Prep... TBD **CROCHET** [Baby Blanket](https://ravel.me/KraftyKoopa/wssbb2) [Buffalo Plain Granny Square Blanket](https://ravel.me/KraftyKoopa/bpgsbb) [Honeycomb Blanket](https://ravel.me/KraftyKoopa/bhhbbl) Ireland Baby Blanket (TBD) [Cat PRIDE! Scarf](https://ravel.me/KraftyKoopa/ac2) [Lost Souls Shawls](https://ravel.me/KraftyKoopa/lsss)