Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho neuro

63,7 N người theo dõi


Professor of Respect on Twitch, Grandmaster of Zerg in StarCraft, Main tank of Creation in Classic WoW, Voice and character actor. Be welcomed, entertained and encouraged, friend! My background is in brain science, athletics and poker. Tilt management questions welcomed. BE GOOD BE SMART BE TOUGH

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**Kuukyo:** $15,000, Co-Founder **triforcetrader:** $20,000 **blackxored:** $7,055 **Tovaxian:** $6,767.67 **seaofwhiskey:** $5,555.55 **CorporateScandal:** $4,000 **Alievgaem:** $1,660 **Kestnuts:** $1,600 **Nightmare:** $1,500 **DorakTheMerciless:** $1,250 **Grimm_Wrecking:** $1,100 **SoybeenTwitch:** $1,000 **ShamaLaFantome:** $800 **Isszul:** $800 **Relaksation:** $650 **Hwyk:** $600 **Kemachi:** $500 **PietroEstrada:** 500+ **Goomba:** $500, CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Heatsink **AMW:** GPU **2extremebenny** $400 **Amedis:** $350 **Asiepshtain:** $300 **Nilson:** $300 **Soupie:** $300 **xLeetPandax:** $200 **xmathmanx:** $200
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