Profile banner for neversink



Hey. I'm NeverSink - here we focus on 3 things:- Good games: Path of Exile, but also other (A)RPGS, roguelikes and colony simulators. - Game development and programming! - Good discussions.Come say hi!

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- [FilterBlade]( allows customizing the filter to your needs as well and saving/loading your progress - Every time you load a "save" on filterblade, your changes get merged into the latest filter version - If you don't care for customization, styles and advanced options, you can subscribe on the [filter ladder]( instead. - ladder filters update every time you restart the game, but don't support customization or styles - generally speaking if you use filterblade more often than once a month, I recommend filterblade.
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I use [Twitter]( to announce technical changes, project updates and streams/guides. Also to express my pain, when fighting bugs. [Discord]( is great for filter/filter-relevant suggestions and if for getting in touch
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Your [patreon](, twitch and [donations]( support allows me to invest more into my projects, streaming and long-term plans. Thank you for your support.
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- Browse my favourite POE armour-sets on [](! - As an added bonus, I get a small cut from any purchase from the shop. Thank you for your support! - These are imho some of the best MTX out there, from the hundreds that I own. - In cooperation with cooperation with GGG and Nexus.
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Chat-Commands (POE): - !build - last POE build - !buildoverview - overview of last league material - !profile Chat-Commands (projects): - !todo - open and current dev tasks - !filter-architecture - !filterblade-structure - !github - !dev-start - my advise on how to become a (better) developer - !styles - when are styles coming? - !vs-code-highlight - VS-code-filter-syntax highlighter
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Derpy, fluffy and adorable - Mochi is one of the Patron cats you'll see on stream/catcam quite often.
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Shy, most of the time, but super assertive when it comes to cuddles and food - that's Kimchi, our second Patron cat.