Profile banner for nhi_pham



I'm 25 and I'm the Draft Queen of Magic: the Gathering.

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Hi! I am Nhi Pham and I want to improve as a Magic player. That's literally my only goal for 2019. I started playing during Innistrad for two and half years before taking a four year break to finish school. Now I have a bachelor's degree in History and all I want is to be a pro Magic player. Other than that, I enjoy tabletop gaming very much. Star Wars Imperial Assault is my favorite board game and I prefer medium weight eurogames that last 90-180 minutes. My preferred mechanics are drafting and worker placement. I plan on competing in every Limited GP this year. Wish me luck!
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PLEASE JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER. It is hands down the **EASIEST** and **FASTEST** way to contact me!!! I am nearly online all the time and love to chat. We're a great group of people. I love talking about Magic, drafts, life, whatever. Just be my friend!!! :)
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If you would like to support my stream donations are greatly appreciated! Streaming is how I make my living and viewers like you are what make this content possible. :)
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Here's a link to my streaming schedule and the events I will be attending!!! I stream weekdays starting at 11AM EST. <3 *Google Calendar*: *Guilded Calendar*:
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This is a link to my Twitter. I'm addicted to social media. Fair warning though, I like being a moody and cryptic girl and only .00000001% of my posts are about Magic.
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If you would like to be individually coached through an entire draft, I would be happy to help! I charge $75 to run you through a draft from the very first picks until you finish your last match. Not a bad deal considering how long this could take. Same goes for Sealed lessons if you would like to practice that instead! Message me for details either on Twitch, Discord, or Twitter. This tutoring package includes why which picks are better, why your plays are significant, me pointing out what you need to work on, and me silently thinking about a play that requires a lot of math before telling you what to do.